Revenge Porn. What now?

Revenge Porn, the non consensual sharing of sexual and intimate images of a person, has been on a drastic increase in the last year both in Australia and across the globe.

In a recent study conducted by La Trobe University and RMIT, it was discovered that as many as 1 in 5 Australians will be victims of revenge porn in their lifetime. Just last month yet another case of revenge porn was widely reported in the media.

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Every Step You Take, Every Post You Make, They’ll Be Watching You


For my final BCM310 Project, I wanted to focus on a topic that has real relevance in everyone’s lives, specifically in the lives of my peers, and myself, as media students.

It is becoming increasingly common for potential employers to conduct social media screening when considering a candidate for a job. As media students we are expected to maintain high levels of interaction with online and social media, through the means of WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Taking influence from the topic ‘The Self’ I hoped to look into how we present ourselves online, and present an image of the current scape of job applications.

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